Thibedeaux Bend is leased for the 2024-2025 hunting season.
Ducks are plentiful at Thibedeaux Bend along with a range of wildlife from fish to birds and several game species including dove, deer, rabbits, squirrels and quail, plus wild hogs.
Thibedeaux Bend Has:
Approximately 900 acres of duck hunting land
A five acre lake
Natural sloughs
Mobile duck blinds
Water control structures
Boat access to the Yazoo River
Growing bottomland hardwood forests
Food plots
Scattered pecan trees
Thibedeaux Bend is:
Less than one hour's drive from Mississippi's capitol city, Jackson
Only 30 minutes from Vicksburg
In the middle of the Mississippi flyway
Just six miles to Panther Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
All weather accessible
Across the Yazoo River from the Delta National Forest
Adjacent to a private 1,200 acre recreational/hunting development
Near Dump Lake
Surrounded by thousands of acres of private property that is also managed for waterfowl, and available for lease